
Zhen Zhou, Laura Riis-Klinkvort, Emilie Ahrnkiel Jørgensen, et al. (2024): Measuring river surface velocity using UAS-borne Doppler radar. Authorea March 05, 2024. DOI: 10.22541/au.170967865.54122848/v1

Monica Coppo Frias, Alexander Rietz Vesterhauge,  Daniel Olesen, et al. (2024): Combining Uas Lidar, Sonar and Radar Altimetry for River Hydraulic Characterization. Available at SSRN: or

Fabian Merk, Timo Schaffhauser, Faizan Anwar, et al. (2024): The Significance of the Leaf-Area-Index on the Evapotranspiration Estimation in SWAT-T for Characteristic Land Cover Types of Western Africa. HESS Discussions