First UAS hydrometry survey in Sweden

The UAWOS team implemented a first UAS hydrometry survey at Rønne Å in Southern Sweden between August 28th and September 1st, 2023. The purpose of the survey was to validate and benchmark the new UAWOS payloads against different in-situ sensing options and legacy drone payloads avaliable to the team. We performed surveys with the radar altimeter, the water penetrating radar, the tethered sonar and the Doppler radar.

Here are a few snapshots from early results of the survey. Comparison of Doppler radar and in-situ velocimetry results for cross section 2 (top-left), comparison of WPR bathymetry with ground truth for cross section 3 (bottom-left) and comparison of sonar bathymetry with ground truth for cross section 5 (bottom-right).